My mom is a witch

Max, the dragon makes flower droppings

Max, the dragon makes flower droppings

 Max is a handsome and strong teenage dragon with beautiful scales.  But Max has a secret: he makes flowery droppings whereas any good dragon must make foul-smelling droppings ...

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 Max is a teenage dragon.  This means he is at the age when dragons transform into adulthood.  It’s a very difficult time for the dragons.  They get bigger and bigger so much that they sometimes have a hard time moving around without breaking or crushing something.  They may have trouble breathing fire, and some even seem to have been surprised to spit water for a few days.  Can you imagine a water-breathing dragon?

 Max doesn't have any of his problems.  He's already a big, strong dragon with beautiful scales.  He is the captain of the fire-breathing team.  It's a sport he loves… it's about breathing fire with as much precision as possible to achieve a defined goal.  It requires power, but also precision and a lot of restraint.  Burning a tree is within everyone's reach, but lighting the wick of a candle without melting the entire candle requires great technical mastery. Max can also ignite arrows in mid-flight.  He trains a lot and has a lot of fans.

 But Max has a secret.  As everyone knows, a manly dragon must make foul-smelling droppings (it's a more chic expression for "stinky droppings" but it's a lot less funny!).  So I was saying that a beefy dragon must make droppings that smell awful.  This is a test of strength for a dragon.  No one knows where it comes from but it is like that.  However, Max, since his birth, has been making poop which, not content with smelling deliciously good, is also covered with wild flowers.

 As soon as her mother noticed this, she was quick to hide this horrible difference.  How could such a beautiful and strong baby dragon be normal if he's doing anything other than filthy poop?  So she brought up Max by teaching him to always defecate away from home and not in the field like her friends.

 His mother, wanting to protect him, has always been afraid of this difference.  So today Max is afraid of it too.  He lives with this terrible secret which becomes all the more complicated to manage as with adolescence, his friends start to make poop contests in the open field.  Who's going to do the biggest or the most foul-smelling poop?  Max has no chance of winning, and he starts to fear being teased the day his secret is discovered.  He always pretends that he does not want to or that he has done so but much further to prevent them from suffocation.

 As the captain of the fire-breathing team, Max assists the coach of the younger ones.  He is taking care of Mathieu, the most shy one, when he suddenly tells him that he has a secret: he sometimes spits out pink flames and that worries him a lot.  He would like to spit only red, yellow and blue flames like the friends.

 Max reassures and encourages him by telling him that the color of those flames is very pretty, just a little different.  Mathieu is happy and goes to join the others, spitting fire in all directions, he is so relieved.  He even misses setting fire to the hat of a dragon mother who attended practice.  But for dragons, it's part of everyday life so no one scolds it.

 This discussion allowed Max to think about his own secret: if little Mathieu is brave enough to spit pink flames, he must be brave enough to defecate in the open field too.  He tells himself that in the worst case, his friends will have a good laugh and then it will be over.  So he flies off to the field that serves as a toilet for all the dragons and makes the most flowery and fragrant poop he has ever made.

 His friends are speechless and then actually burst out laughing.  Max then begins to laugh in his turn when he sees this flowered poop in the middle of this field strewn with foul-smelling poop.  Then one of them said to him: Ah finally, something that we are going to be able to bedroom you on (that means making fun of it)!  And with these words, all fly away because it's time to go back to class.
