My mom is a witch

                     My mom is a witch

 "I am a mermaid and daddy is my prince!  »Lea announces to her parents.  " What is this story ?  "Asks her mother who is not sure she likes what is going on there ...

                           Read the story

 Léa is 3 years old.  She lives with her mom and dad in a nice apartment on the top floor of a building.  She has a very pink bedroom because she loves princesses.  As soon as she gets home, she runs to her room and puts on a disguise.  Her favorite is Ariel the Little Mermaid.

 She loves watching this cartoon and also often asks her parents to tell her the story.
 One of Léa's favorite times is Sunday morning because on that day, she has the right to go and hug her mom and dad in their bed.  She also likes Sunday morning breakfast very much because her dad is going to buy croissants and fresh bread.

 As Lea does not yet know the days of the week, she always asks the evening before falling asleep if it is tomorrow Sunday.  Sometimes she forgets and leans in for a hug on a weekday.  Sometimes she also forgets to check if her rabbit alarm clock has its eyes open and she jumps into her parents' bed while the rabbit alarm clock still has its eyes closed.

 This morning, it’s just Sunday and Lea is quietly seated between her dad and her mom.  The whole little family wakes up gently when suddenly Lea announces to them: "Me, I am a mermaid and daddy is my prince!  ".  The parents are amazed and Léa seems rather proud of the effect produced.  His mom, feeling left out, asks him: "And me, who am I in your story?  "" Well come on, mom, you are the wicked witch!  ".
 "Very well," said mum, "since that's how it is, the wicked witch is going to cook breakfast.  Are you two going to the bakery?  "

 Once the whole little family is seated at the table, Lea finds that it is not as usual because her mother looks sad.  Lea has already forgotten what she said when she woke up when her mom is very upset that her daughter is comparing her to a witch.  But the morning goes by and Lea's mom tells herself that it was just a game and that she is stupid to react so strongly.
 Lea, true to her habits, went to choose a princess dress and her daddy allowed her to keep it on when going out for a walk.  A princess dress, I don't know if you've tried it before, but it's not very practical for running, jumping, tobogganing or on a swing.

 So, that day, Lea is not going to play with the other children.  She stays between her dad and her mom, giving them her hand to play "123 vol".  Lea loves to fly away.

 In the evening, at bedtime, his mother tells him a story.
 What a beautiful day !
 Days go by and life takes its course.
 Lea is going to school.  She loves learning new things, drawing, sticking stickers and especially painting and modeling clay.

 Yet at night, Léa has more and more nightmares.  She falls asleep well and suddenly wakes up crying.  Sometimes a monster has entered her room, sometimes a villain has attacked her and sometimes she is scared but she doesn't know why.  Lea is even starting to be afraid of sleeping alone in the dark.  "Daddy, Mum, can I keep the light on?"  She asks.  "But you already have a night light" replies her dad.  "Yes, but it doesn't shine much light and I'm scared.  Can you stay with me and hug me until I fall asleep?  "
 Her daddy agrees and stays with her until she falls asleep.  And it works !  Léa is so happy and wakes up in great shape in the morning.  "Daddy, mummy, I didn't see a monster last night!  "
 But in the evening when it is time to fall asleep, Lea is afraid again so her mom offers to give her a hug to help her fall asleep.  But Lea replies: "No, Mom, you know he's the strongest dad.  He is the one who must stay near me to protect me from the monsters!  ".

 Her daddy, very proud to be a hero, is going to give her a hug.  And that evening, he even fell asleep in Lea's bed, he was so tired too.  What a mess !
 Lea's mom is getting tired of falling asleep on her own.  She thinks her daughter is really very naughty.  She too would like to fall asleep with her husband!
 One fine day, she has an idea and then returns with a huge teddy bear that she gives to Lea: "Oh thank you mom, he's super handsome!  "Yes," his mom replies, "he will protect you so that you are no longer afraid at night.  In addition, it is very soft!  ".

 "I have an idea," Lea said.  We're gonna play a joke on daddy.  We are going to dress Mr. Bear and sit him in his place on the sofa!  "Lea and her mom are having a great time both of them. They go get a daddy's shirt and they even borrow him underpants and socks.  Mr. Bear is magnificent.
 As soon as they hear daddy arrive, they go and sit on the sofa next to Mr. Bear.  When Dad arrives, he can't believe it!  A bear stung him and his place and his clothes.  He pretends to be mad and everyone laughs!  What a good joke!

 Since that day, it is Mr. Bear who falls asleep with Léa in the evening and watches over her during the night.  A little mouse even told me that Lea took Mr. Bear with her the day she left with her parents to live on her own.  Yet she was very very tall!  It even appears that Mr. Bear never wanted to return his clothes to Lea's dad.  What a rascal!
