My mom is a witch

The story of Lyla and the wolf

 the story of Lyla and the Wolf
 The story of Layla and the Wolf or Little Red Riding Hood is one of the most common children's fictional stories spread among the different cultures of the world, and the version written by the French author Charles Perot is considered one of the oldest written versions of the tale, and it is worth noting that there are multiple versions of this story that differ slightly from each other.  However, the differences between them are not very large.

 Chapter 1
 It is said that there was a beautiful little girl named Laila who lived with her mother in a small village surrounded by a beautiful forest, and she was called Little Red Riding Hood;  This is because she always liked to wear her red coat that her grandmother gave her on her birthday, and on one spring morning her mother said to her after she finished making cakes and put it in a small basket: My beloved child, put your red coat and take this basket to your grandmother to reassure me.  It came to me that she is sick and needs someone to take care of her in her illness.


 Chapter II
 After Laila put on her red coat and carried the basket enthusiastically towards the door of the house, her mother stopped her, saying: Beware, Laila, not to get out of the way, and go straight to your grandmother's house, and upon your arrival I greet her and be polite and friendly when talking to her, so the little girl kissed her mother and reassured her saying: No  Mama worry, I will be fine, then she hurried out, and committed to her mother's words until she reached the forest in which her grandmother lives, and there the wolf saw her, and the little girl did not feel fear when she saw him;  She was a child who knew nothing but love and did not realize the meaning of this being’s malice.

 Chapter III
 The wolf approached Laila and asked her: What is your name, little girl?  She said: My name is Laila, and the people of the village called me the same red dress, so the wolf said: Where are you going, Laila, at this early time in the day?  She told him that she was going to see her sick grandmother, as her mother asked her, and that she had brought her a basket of cakes, and the wolf said with a malicious smile: This is beautiful, Laila, you obedient girl, Laila did not feel for a moment the cunning of this wolf, but she felt flattered and thought it was a nice being like her  And she smiled an innocent smile, then said: Thank you wolf, you are a nice creature, how I would like to be friends.

 So the wolf rejoiced because he was able to deceive her and make her trust him;  This will make the implementation of his plan easier, then he took the opportunity, saying: Why don't you tell me, my little girl, where your grandmother lives, so that you and I race there, and see who will arrive first?  Laila answered him innocently: My grandmother lives in a small and distinctive wooden house at the end of the woods, so the wolf and his sly smile did not leave his face: Well then, I will go from this road, and you go from the other way.

 The wolf was quick to move as quickly as possible, and in the meantime Laila was heading to her grandmother's house as well, but on her way she saw very beautiful flowers a small distance away from the road, and for her love of colorful flowers, Laila could not resist the beauty of those flowers, and she wanted to bring some of them to her sick grandmother.  ;  She knows how much her grandmother loves flowers as well, and how much that will make her feel happy and forget her illness, and she has not seen her grandmother for a while and thought it would be a beautiful gift, and after moments of hesitation, Laila decided to ignore her mother's warning to her, and she thought that her grandmother's happiness with flowers would forget what her mother had done.

 Meanwhile the wolf had found the grandmother's house, and Laila had not yet arrived;  The wolf has lived in the woods for a long time and knows its ways well, so he took one of the short and non-bumpy paths, and when he arrived at the house faster and knocked on the door, the grandmother could not get out of the bed because of her illness, so she asked from the inside: Who is knocking on the door?  Then the wolf said, trying to disguise himself in his voice: I am Laila, your granddaughter, my grandmother.

 The wily wolf entered the house, so the grandmother was terrified when she saw him, and she tried to scream for help, but no one heard her, so the wolf grabbed her and locked her in the closet, and ordered her not to make a sound or else he would eat her, then he took her coat and lay down on her bed in disguise and felt very excitedly waiting for the arrival  Laila until his plan was successfully completed, and at this moment, Laila arrived at the grandmother's house and did not find the wolf there, but she did not care about it much, as she was still happy with the beautiful flowers that she had picked for grandmother and started knocking on the door.

 Final chapter
 The wolf, trying to imitate the grandmother's voice, said: Who is at the door?  Laila said enthusiastically: I am Laila, grandmother, I brought you a beautiful surprise, and the wolf said: Well, go ahead, my dear, Laila entered and kissed her grandmother's head as usual, but she felt something fishy that she attributed to that she had not seen her grandmother for a period of time, then she felt a strange calm;  Usually her grandmother was happy to see her, so the wolf interrupted the thoughts that were circulating in Laila's head, saying: How beautiful these flowers are, Laila, thank you, my love.

 Laila reassured for a while, and placed the flowers in a glass of water that was on a small table beside the bed after she filled it with water, then she returned to sit beside the bed, and turned to her grandmother and noticed her strange shape, so she innocently decided to ask her: My grandmother, why are your eyes so big?  The wolf in disguise said: So that I can see you well, my little one, Laila noticed something else strange in her grandmother and asked again: Why are your ears so big?  The wolf cunningly said: So that I can hear your beautiful voice in them, my dear, then Laila looked at the grandmother's mouth: Grandma, why did your mouth become so big?  Then the wolf, removing his grandmother's clothes and uncovering his fangs, said: I will eat you with it!  And the wolf whimpered Laila wanting to pounce on her and eat her, so she screamed at the top of her voice asking for help, and a fisherman was passing by by chance near the grandmother's house heard her scream, so the hunter ran and entered the house forcefully, and fired his rifle at the wolf and succeeded in killing him.

 Laila cried heartily as she was looking for her grandmother with the hunter, and she kept crying until she found her in the locker, and the hunter helped her to get her out of the locker, and poor Laila embraced her grandmother and she felt regret that she had not heard her mother's will, and her grandmother told her that she must abide by her mother's words in the coming days.  So Laila wiped her tears, kissed her, and promised that this would not happen again, and that she had learned a lesson that she would never forget, and finally they thanked the hunter for saving them, and Laila remained with the grandmother that day to take care of her and she is grateful and happy that her grandmother is still well.

 Another end
 The story of Laila and the wolf is narrated with a slight difference in the fate of the grandmother at times, as this novel indicates that the wolf ate the grandmother before it was about to eat Laila as well, but the screams of the little girl who brought the hunter spoiled his scheme, as the hunter killed him and opened his stomach  And taking the grandmother out of him, and advised Laila to listen to her mother's advice and never deviate from her.

 Story Summary
 Laila's mother asked Laila, who was in red, to cross the forest carrying a basket full of cakes to deliver her to her sick grandmother, who was in a wooden hut at the end of the forest, on the condition that she go the way she always used to without going elsewhere. She met Laila while she was walking by the cunning wolf who was able to convince her of his kindness  And his love for her, and his desire to race her to the grandmother's house after he knew his wits where he would be, the wolf headed to the grandmother's house and got rid of her after he deceived her and entered her house as being Laila, and when Laila arrived, the wolf had put on the grandmother's clothes and slept in her bed, welcoming her, and when it started  Laila asked about the difference in the shape of his eyes, mouth and face, pouncing on her to eat it, except that a fisherman who was passing by the side of the house rescued her and killed the wolf, while Laila learned an important lesson, as a result of which she decided not to ignore her mother's advice no matter what the matter cost.
