My mom is a witch

The story of juha and the donkey

   The story of juha and the donkey   

 Juha wanted to buy a donkey, so he went to the market, stopped by a donkey he liked, and said to his owner after an argument over the price: This is all I have now, so either you sell me the donkey or go to my place. Finally the man agreed and Juha walked dragging the donkey behind him, and two of the chicks saw him, and they agreed.  On stealing the donkey, one of them sneaked lightly and loosened the rope from the donkey’s neck without noticing Juha’s thing, and tying his neck to the rope. All that and Juha did not feel what was going on. The thief walked behind Juha while the other thief was with the donkey.  And Juha marvels at himself and says: Perhaps their astonishment and laughter is due to their admiration for my donkey.

 When Juha arrived at the house, he turned behind him to the donkey and saw the man, the rope in his neck. He was astonished at his command and said to him: Who are you?  Then the thief stopped crying and started wiping his tears, saying: Sir, I am an ignorant man that made my mother angry. Juha said, then what?  The thief said: So my mother called on me and asked God to cause me a donkey, then God answered her prayer, and when my older brother saw that, he wanted to get rid of me, so he offered me in the market for sale, and I came to buy me and with your blessing and with your curiosity, I returned a person as I was, and the thief took Juha’s hand, praying with gratitude.  To advise him to obey his mother and to ask her for forgiveness and prayers ... !!

 On the next day, Juha went to the market to buy a donkey, and he saw the donkey itself and knew it, and Juha approached the donkey and whispered in his ear saying: It appears that you did not hear my words, and your mother was angry again, and God will never buy you.
