My mom is a witch

The story of the hare and the turtle

The story of the hare and the turtle
 Once upon a time, there was an arrogant bunny living in the forest, and he was always proud of being the fastest animal, and no one could beat him, and one day he saw a poor turtle walking very slowly, and he started mocking her and saying to her: What a you!  Poor, you are very, very slow, and the turtle said to him: What do you think that you and I race and we will see who wins? !!

 The rabbit agreed to the display of the turtle and they went together, and the race began and the rabbit repeated I would not beat this slow.  During the race the rabbit stopped running in order to fall asleep and take a rest, as the turtle was still at the beginning of the road, but the turtle continued walking and never stopped, and it reached the end and the conceited rabbit was still sleeping.  And began to cry over his bitter loss.
