My mom is a witch

The story of Ali Baba

brother Ali Baba


 The events of this story revolve around a person named Ali Baba and his smart wife, Morjana, who lived in a city in Persia, and Ali Baba lived in poverty, poverty and need, while his brother Qasim lived a life full of prosperity, prosperity, money and pride after he married the daughter of a great wealthy merchant and was blessed with  His fortune was after the expiration of his life, and Qasim did not care about the need of his brother Ali Baba, as he worked in trade while his brother could barely find food for his day from selling the wood that he used to collect on the back of his weak donkey.

 Ali Baba went out once to log with his donkey, and sat to rest a little after being tired of him, but the sound of the horses' hooves coming from afar terrified him, so he ran, hiding behind a nearby rock, and while he was hiding he saw a group of masked robbers heading to a large cave whose door was covered by a great rock falling  Inside a mountain, and when the thieves arrived at the cave, they said: "Open Sesame." The mountain was split and a cave filled with gold, jewels and money opened for them, so they entered it and collected what they had collected on the back of their horses and left, and the cave closed its door after them.

 Ali Baba waited until the thieves left and was filled with amazement, and decided to try himself opening this magical cave to enjoy what was in it. Indeed, the mountain split again and the cave opened its door after Ali Baba said his magic sentence "Open Sesame", and began filling his pockets and what was on the back of his donkey  Of baskets with gold coins, jewels, and joy overwhelmed him, and then he returned back to his home to tell what happened to him to his dear wife, Morgana.


 Ali Baba sent Morgana to borrow a bushel from his brother Qasim, but that made Qassem's evil wife doubtful, as Ali Baba does not have anything to measure, so why does he want the measure!  Qasim’s wife thought of a clever trick in which she revealed this man’s matter, so she put honey at the bottom of the scale to know what Ali Baba wanted to measure, and when Ali Baba returned the measure to Qasim’s wife, she looked at him and found a coin she stuck to him, so she was surprised and pushed her husband Qasim to go  To his brother to find out his secret.

 Qasim deceived Ali Baba with smooth words until he knew the secret of the cave, but he promised him not to go to it alone, but his greed made him break his covenant and head to the cave with a group of mules loaded with baskets to fill it with what he could of the jewels and money. Qasim was able to enter the cave after he said  "Open Sesame", and he spent a very long time in it, sweeping gold and carrying all that he could of money and jewels, and when he felt that he had to get out of this cave, he had forgotten the magic sentence, so he started trying and said, "Open ya bumbum" "Open oh flour" and a lot of  Other attempts were unsuccessful, and while Qasim was in the cave, thieves came and saw him in it, and they took him, killed him, and threw him to the ground.

 Ali Baba went out to search for his brother when he disappeared for a long time, and when he found him dead, he cried deeply for him and took him to bury him, and when the thieves returned to the cave the next day and did not find the body of Qasim, they knew that he had a partner, so they searched for whoever died in the city recently, and someone knew  The thieves said that Qasim had a brother called Ali Baba and that he must be his partner, so he put a sign with white chalk on the door of his house so that the rest of the thieves could know him and get from him at night, but the smart Morgana comprehended their plan and placed similar signs on the rest of the city’s houses, leaving the thieves behind, but they searched for him again and found him.  They stayed with him as guests with the ruse of an oil merchant carrying forty jars that had been stranded and lodged as a guest at Ali Baba, who did not know that in every jar of these jars a thief had hid in it to harm him, the guest went down in Ali Baba's house and put the oil jars in the backyard until  The time for the plan has come, but the smart Morgana became aware of their deception again when I heard a whisper coming from a tractor saying, "Is the time now?"  So I ran and brought heavy stones that closed the nozzles of the jars until the thieves died in them by suffocation, while I told Aladdin about the scheme of his evil guest and showed him the dagger he was carrying on his waist to kill him, so he got rid of it, and Ali Baba and Morgana lived a life full of happiness and contentment


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