My mom is a witch

Ammamellen ans Elias

Ammamellen And Elias

Ammamellen had a sister and every time she gave birth to a boy he killed him.

 Things went on like this until one day, having given birth at the same time as her maid, Ammamellen's sister gave her her son and took her child with here

 Ammamellen came, grabbed this child and killed him.  The son of the free woman stayed with the maid;  he grew up and became a man.

 His name was Elias.

 It is nothing that Ammamellen, who was not fooled by the deception, did not attempt to lure Elias into a trap and kill him.  But the boy was more cunning than him and he couldn't accomplish his murder plans.

 One day Elias went to Ammamellen's;  he was very thirsty and Ammamellen kept secret the place where there was water in the mountain.  The mountain floor was of hard rock and did not retain the imprint of the feet.

 Ammamellen went with his servants at night to feed the flocks and returned while everyone was still asleep.

 Elias then took the shoes of the servants and coated them with grease.

 The next day he followed in their footsteps.  Where the shoes had touched the rock, they had left grease.  The boy was thus able to reach the water.

 Ammamellen had seen him and was following him.

 As Elias, leaning over the water, was about to drink, he saw the image of Ammamellen pulling his sword and going to strike it on the back of the neck.  He just had time to rush forward and flee to the other side.

 Another day Ammamellen walked to a valley and, with the paws of dead animals, he made tracks of camels, goats, sheep and donkeys.  He also put three old camels there: one one-eyed, the other scabby, and the third with its tail cut.

 He returned home and, the next day, he offered Elias, in exchange for his peace of mind: "Go visit this valley in the distance, tell us what is there."

 Elias went to the valley, and when he returned, Ammamellen asked him, "Well, have you visited this valley?"

 - Yes, answered Elias, I visited it.

 - And what's there?  Do you like the country, yes or no?

 - I like it, only there are traces of dead animals and three old camels, one of which is one-eyed, the other mangy and the third has a cut tail.

 - How do you distinguish the trace of a living animal from a dead animal?

 - The trace of a living animal returns on itself, while that of a dead animal does not return.

 - How do you recognize that an old camel is one-eyed or that it has both eyes?

 - The one-eyed camel always eats trees from the side of its good eye.

 - And the mangy camel?

 - We recognize a mangy camel because it scratches all the trees it meets.

 - And what makes you distinguish a camel whose tail is cut off from one which has its tail?

 - When a camel that does not have a tail comes to manure, the droppings remain in a heap, while the one that has its tail uses it to disperse them.  "

 Some time later, Ammamellenn, who did not admit defeat, went to a certain place and gathered a lot of herbs and made several piles.  He returned and said to Elias:

 "Tomorrow you will go to such and such a place and bring back the grass that I piled there."  "

 The next day, Ammamellen took the lead and huddled in a pile of grass, waiting for Elias to kill him.

 This one came and gathered all the grass, except a heap which he did not want to approach.  His companions questioned him:

 "You gathered all the piles of grass, why are you leaving this one?"

 "This one is breathing," said Elias;  the others do not breathe.  "

 Hearing this, Ammamellen hurriedly stood up, seized his javelin and threw it at Elias whom he missed.

 He then cried out: "Go, I bow to you, my sister's son, whom my sister gave birth to and whom her maidservant gave birth to."  "

 And, since that day, Elias can live close to his mother in peace.
